House Renovations

On a weekly, if not daily basis we see or receive posts looking for references for everything from auto repairs to medical to home repairs and everything in between, and frankly, any reference has to be taken with a whole bag of salt. Here are a few reasons we (with very limited exceptions) will not provide or respond to reference requests:

  1. My idea of good value or good workmanship may not be the same as yours, hell they might not even be in the same ballpark, perfect example, we had a gentleman do some outdoor tile work that was recommended by a fellow expat, the job was completed, looked nice but no drainage and the tiles were sloped to the house side. Yet the person who recommended him was exteremely happy with the work done on his house…different strokes for different folks,
  2. Money- I don’t know or care how much you will or will not spend, again what works for me cash wise may not work for you,
  3. Experience- I have no clue how to fix a car, build a house, repair AC or build a pool and just because someone did a good job for me does in no way mean they will do a good job for you and because I have no experience doing these things I really have no basis to issue a recommendation. And trust me, I have seen the same contractor do awesome jobs in one area and totally suck at the next project,
  4. Kick Backs- ugly but true, there is a whole industry here based on kickbacks and expats getting a cut out of recommending a contractor is a common thing, they wont tell you, but it happens on a regular basis,
  5. Lastly and most importantly, recommending a contractor who does a shit job or over charges or just doesn’t show up is the quickest way to end a friendship and if you are my friend then I would rather stay friends, if you are not my friend, then hey, I know a guy who knows a guy who might be able to help……

See you on the beach….
Steve “The Beach Gringo in Chief” Patterson